Thursday, June 12, 2014

Springtime FUN!

I sometimes wonder which is a better time of the year...fall or the spring?  I'd still lean towards the fall but spring would come in a close second.  I mean really close!  All of here at Last Pass have been very busy enjoying mushroom hunting, turkey hunting and walleye and crappie fishing. 
Turkey hunting is one of my favorite things to do in the outdoors.  I love how its usually a one on one game between you and the tom.  I love having a 30 pack of slob honkers back peddling in the decoys and 500+ snows screaming down in a major tornado but there is nothing like a big tom choking himself gobbling as he struts his way towards you!  And this year Bryce and I shot very nice toms.  I was lucky enough to shoot my bird only feet away from a good patch of morel mushrooms!  Nothing better than frying up turkey fingers and fresh mushrooms.
I've been seeing a lot of little fuzz balls swimming around with their parents.  I've received mixed answers on how the nesting was for Canada geese in Minnesota.  I've been told that the cold weather didn't effect the nesting success but the high water took out a good amount of nests.  In the next 3 weeks the banding reports will come out and we'll see how the hatch was for canadas.  I know I've been seeing a lot of large flocks flying which tells us the molt migration is in full force.  Whatever the hatch report says I'm not going to be overly worried since last year was a horrible hatch and we had our best year since 2005!
This week is also the time when the snow geese have to be on their nests to have a good and healthy hatch.  From all the articles I've read it will hopefully be another great hatch.  Its been warm enough for them to get down to business so keep your fingers crossed for a pile of juvies for next spring!!!
We had a couple cancelations by previous members on their memberships for this year.  If anyone is interested give Me or Bryce a call ASAP to get yours today.  Its a great deal for the person who wants to hunt great fields a ton of times each year!
The Fall is right around the corner!  I can't wait until the cool crisp nights start and we can get back out in the fields chasing geese!  
Anything Better Than Morels In The Spring?
That's What I Call A Paintbrush!